A few years ago we were living in Nylstroom (Modimolle) in Limpopo province. We were situated about a kilometre out of town on what used to be a grape export farm. We decided to convert the buildings to living quarters. An immediate problem we encountered was the calcium in the water. The water was so hard that when we let out the bath water, the side of the bath felt like fine sandpaper. Even daily scrubbing and rubbing with vinegar did not solve the problem. The kettle would stop working within less than a week after de-scaling. I have lived in many rural locations, but have never seen water quite as bad as that. It was very frustrating.
I Googled different options and came across the ScaleStop. I was rather sceptical, but my (practical) brother thought it might work, so we ordered one. Our plumber installed it on the main pipe coming down from the water tank in less than an hour. The hard water problem was solved instantly and completely. No more calcium rings on the dog’s drinking bowl, no more sandpaper bath, no more problem with the hot water system getting clogged. It was quite incredible how well it worked. As you know, when we moved house, we ordered another one. So far we have not needed it, since our water here does not have the same problem, but we are glad to have it in the cupboard for our next property. Thank you for helping us solve this problem.